11 Divine declaration / assurance / वचन of Param Guru Shirdi Sai Baba are as follows :-
1. Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil , his sufferings would come to an end.
2. The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness , as soon as they climb the steps of my Samadhi.
3. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving the earthly body.
4. My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.
5. I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb.
6. My mortal remains would speak from my tomb.
7. I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me , who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.
8. If you look to me , I look to you.
9. If you cast your burden on me , I shall surely bear it.
10. If you seek my advice and help , it shall be given to you at once.
11. There shall be no want in the house of my devotees.
सद्द गुरु साईं नाथ प्रभु के जय
रविवार, 26 अप्रैल 2009
Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. It is a feeling of inner peace and satisfaction. It is usually experienced when there are no worries, fears or obsessing thoughts, and this usually happens, when we do something we love to do or when we get, win, gain or achieve something that we value. It seems to be the outcome of positive events, but it actually comes from the inside, triggered by outer events.
Happiness in a person co-relates very well with religious involvement, parenthood, marital status, age, income and proximity to other happy people.
The most profound sense of happiness is experienced through the meaningful life, achieved if one exercises one's unique strengths and virtues in a purpose greater than one's own immediate goals.
Measure of happiness is an aggregate of self-esteem, sense of purpose, social interest and kindness , sense of humor and aesthetic appreciation.
For most people happiness seems fleeting, because they let changing outer circumstances affect it. One of the best ways to keep it, is by gaining inner peace through daily meditation. As the mind becomes more peaceful, it becomes easier to choose the happiness habit.
Daily life can be made happier. It is a matter of choice. It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy. It is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and some of them may not be conducive to happiness. We can choose to keep thinking about the unhappy events or we can choose not to think about them, and instead, relish the happy moments. All of us constantly go through various situations and circumstances, but we do not have to let them influence our reactions and feelings.
If we let outer events influence our moods, we become their slaves. We lose our freedom. We let our happiness be determined by outer forces. On the other hand, we can free ourselves from outer influences. We can choose to be happy, and we can do a lot to add happiness to our lives.
Everyone craves to be happy and the truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. You can add more happiness and light to your life, by doing some small, simple acts everyday. Even if you are under pressure and strain, or if you have problems and difficulties, there are many little, and sometimes not so significant actions that can make you feel happy. This happiness might not be strong and deep, and often is of short duration, but it certainly can improve the way you feel.
Below I am listing a few suggestions for bringing small moments of happiness into your daily life. With some creative thinking one can find more ideas, which might be more suitable to your life and circumstances.
1. Wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning, and go stand by the window or go out to the yard or garden, if you have one. Look around you, and enjoy the quietness and splendor of the morning.
2. Eat something you enjoy eating.
3. Call up a friend you like, which you haven’t talked with for a long time.
4. Buy yourself flowers or books or magazine.
5. Have a nap in the afternoon
6. Do something you like doing, but which you usually don’t have the time to do.
7. Close your eyes and rest your body and mind, just for a few moments, even when you are very busy.
8. Take a break and go out to walk, even if it is only for ten minutes.
9. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
10. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
11. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
12. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness.
13. Endeavor to change the way you look at things. Always look at the bright side. The mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. Don't let it. Look at the good and positive side of every situation.
14. Listen to relaxing, uplifting music.
15. Watch funny comedies that make you laugh.
16. Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article.
17. Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't. Sometimes you may begin the day with the desire to accomplish several objectives. At the end of the day you might feel frustrated and unhappy, because you haven't been able to do all of those things. Look at what you have done, not at what you have not been able to do and feel happy about it.
18. Each day do at least one act to make others happy. This can be a kind word, helping your colleagues, stopping your car at the crossroad to let people cross, giving your seat in a bus to someone else, or giving a small present to someone you love. The possibilities are infinite. When you make someone happy, you become happy, and then people try to make you happy.
19. Engage yourself in some Social service eg help in orphanage , help poor and needy etc
20. Do not envy people who are happy. On the contrary, be happy for their happiness. Surround yourself with such people.
21. Do your best to stay detached, when things do not proceed as intended and desired. Detachment will help you stay calm and control your moods and reactions. Detachment is not indifference. It is the acceptance of the good and the bad and staying balanced. Detachment has much to do with inner peace, and inner peace is conducive to happiness.
22. Finally Smile more often.
23. And Always expect happiness.
Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. Shun this thought and work towards achieving Happiness in Life.
Happiness in a person co-relates very well with religious involvement, parenthood, marital status, age, income and proximity to other happy people.
The most profound sense of happiness is experienced through the meaningful life, achieved if one exercises one's unique strengths and virtues in a purpose greater than one's own immediate goals.
Measure of happiness is an aggregate of self-esteem, sense of purpose, social interest and kindness , sense of humor and aesthetic appreciation.
For most people happiness seems fleeting, because they let changing outer circumstances affect it. One of the best ways to keep it, is by gaining inner peace through daily meditation. As the mind becomes more peaceful, it becomes easier to choose the happiness habit.
Daily life can be made happier. It is a matter of choice. It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy. It is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and some of them may not be conducive to happiness. We can choose to keep thinking about the unhappy events or we can choose not to think about them, and instead, relish the happy moments. All of us constantly go through various situations and circumstances, but we do not have to let them influence our reactions and feelings.
If we let outer events influence our moods, we become their slaves. We lose our freedom. We let our happiness be determined by outer forces. On the other hand, we can free ourselves from outer influences. We can choose to be happy, and we can do a lot to add happiness to our lives.
Everyone craves to be happy and the truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. You can add more happiness and light to your life, by doing some small, simple acts everyday. Even if you are under pressure and strain, or if you have problems and difficulties, there are many little, and sometimes not so significant actions that can make you feel happy. This happiness might not be strong and deep, and often is of short duration, but it certainly can improve the way you feel.
Below I am listing a few suggestions for bringing small moments of happiness into your daily life. With some creative thinking one can find more ideas, which might be more suitable to your life and circumstances.
1. Wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning, and go stand by the window or go out to the yard or garden, if you have one. Look around you, and enjoy the quietness and splendor of the morning.
2. Eat something you enjoy eating.
3. Call up a friend you like, which you haven’t talked with for a long time.
4. Buy yourself flowers or books or magazine.
5. Have a nap in the afternoon
6. Do something you like doing, but which you usually don’t have the time to do.
7. Close your eyes and rest your body and mind, just for a few moments, even when you are very busy.
8. Take a break and go out to walk, even if it is only for ten minutes.
9. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
10. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
11. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
12. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness.
13. Endeavor to change the way you look at things. Always look at the bright side. The mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. Don't let it. Look at the good and positive side of every situation.
14. Listen to relaxing, uplifting music.
15. Watch funny comedies that make you laugh.
16. Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article.
17. Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't. Sometimes you may begin the day with the desire to accomplish several objectives. At the end of the day you might feel frustrated and unhappy, because you haven't been able to do all of those things. Look at what you have done, not at what you have not been able to do and feel happy about it.
18. Each day do at least one act to make others happy. This can be a kind word, helping your colleagues, stopping your car at the crossroad to let people cross, giving your seat in a bus to someone else, or giving a small present to someone you love. The possibilities are infinite. When you make someone happy, you become happy, and then people try to make you happy.
19. Engage yourself in some Social service eg help in orphanage , help poor and needy etc
20. Do not envy people who are happy. On the contrary, be happy for their happiness. Surround yourself with such people.
21. Do your best to stay detached, when things do not proceed as intended and desired. Detachment will help you stay calm and control your moods and reactions. Detachment is not indifference. It is the acceptance of the good and the bad and staying balanced. Detachment has much to do with inner peace, and inner peace is conducive to happiness.
22. Finally Smile more often.
23. And Always expect happiness.
Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. Shun this thought and work towards achieving Happiness in Life.
बुधवार, 15 अप्रैल 2009
Social wellness refers to the relationships and connections we have with others. It also refers to our capability to build and maintain relationships, manage our feelings and emotions and develop intimacy with family and friends.
Social wellness is necessary for a full and complete life . Our relationships are important because that is where we find our support during tough times as well as a place to express our joys and sorrows. Social wellness involves building good , healthy and supportive relationships and maintaining a general connection with the society around us. It is also about balancing work life and social life.
We need to be honest and share our real feelings in these relationships. This helps in learning a lot. Sometimes this becomes a means where one shows off his / her status rather than building meaningful relationship and this is something that should be totally avoided.
This is an outer – oriented wellness and invites a set of attitudes and behaviors reflecting a concern for others. The basic premise of social wellness is -
o It is better to contribute to the common welfare of our community than to think only of ourselves.
o It is better to live in harmony with others and our environment than to live in conflict with them.
Listed below are the key wellness values :-
· A commitment to the common moral values like altruism, integrity, honesty, truthfulness and responsibility.
· Belief in an open, pluralistic and democratic society.
· Resistance to discrimination.
· Support for the disadvantaged and the handicapped in order that they might best help themselves.
· Respect for the environment and a desire to safeguard other species.
· Respect for the right to privacy.
· A preference for optimism over pessimism.
· Positive interaction with others
· Develop and build friendships
· Practice empathy
· Care for others
No man is an island unto himself, which explains why people feel the need to communicate, interact and form strong relationships with other people. With social wellness, a person will have the capability to socialize, be confident and function normally with other people. The lack of social wellness often leads to anti-social behavior and causes inability to adjust in social surroundings.
The best way to improve Social wellness is to practice Self Disclosure
Social wellness is necessary for a full and complete life . Our relationships are important because that is where we find our support during tough times as well as a place to express our joys and sorrows. Social wellness involves building good , healthy and supportive relationships and maintaining a general connection with the society around us. It is also about balancing work life and social life.
We need to be honest and share our real feelings in these relationships. This helps in learning a lot. Sometimes this becomes a means where one shows off his / her status rather than building meaningful relationship and this is something that should be totally avoided.
This is an outer – oriented wellness and invites a set of attitudes and behaviors reflecting a concern for others. The basic premise of social wellness is -
o It is better to contribute to the common welfare of our community than to think only of ourselves.
o It is better to live in harmony with others and our environment than to live in conflict with them.
Listed below are the key wellness values :-
· A commitment to the common moral values like altruism, integrity, honesty, truthfulness and responsibility.
· Belief in an open, pluralistic and democratic society.
· Resistance to discrimination.
· Support for the disadvantaged and the handicapped in order that they might best help themselves.
· Respect for the environment and a desire to safeguard other species.
· Respect for the right to privacy.
· A preference for optimism over pessimism.
· Positive interaction with others
· Develop and build friendships
· Practice empathy
· Care for others
No man is an island unto himself, which explains why people feel the need to communicate, interact and form strong relationships with other people. With social wellness, a person will have the capability to socialize, be confident and function normally with other people. The lack of social wellness often leads to anti-social behavior and causes inability to adjust in social surroundings.
The best way to improve Social wellness is to practice Self Disclosure
मंगलवार, 14 अप्रैल 2009
Would you believe if I tell that there are still some parts in this country where physically challenged children are treated with absolute disrespect to humanity , to the extent that they are kept chained in their houses so that they do not go out of the house. These children are treated as though they are in embarrassment to the family. Whilst this is the story on one side there is other part of this story – I have been in touch with a group of noble people who are trying their best to run a school where such children can build their confidence and fight with the society for their right place. This is -
Shri Dwarkesh Aksham Seva Sansthan, Rajsamand
Under the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan state the need of Specialty Schools was felt from long period of time. Due to lack of specialty schools in the entire Udaipur region, nearly 200 to 250 physically challenged children were not being taken care of. This was the background under which this School was established in January 01, 2004 for the sake of disabled children of the region.
Shri Dwarkesh Aksham Seva Sansthan is working for the overall development of the disabled children of the area and it is the only institute of the district providing such type of services for the disabled children. It is registered under Rajasthan Societies Registration Act- 1958 and also under PWD Act-1995 (Section-52). Thus, Jagriti Special School driven by Sansthan was established in July 01, 2004 as a base for the disabled children of the area. It is affiliated to the School Education Department of Government of Rajasthan. Nearly 42 children are studying in the school at present, taking lessons of general education with special education in the areas of hearing, speaking, behavioral and vocational fields.
Objectives of the Institution:
1. Providing general and vocational education facilities for hearing impaired, mentally impaired, dumb , deaf and blind children.
2. Establishment of integrated school for education to disabled children and joining them to the main social stream of the nation.
3. Emergence of the capabilities of the concerned children through various co-curricular activities and help them in being a good citizen.
4. Providing administrative and medical facilities to disabled persons through various camps and building their esteem through motivation and behavioral training.
5. Providing employment opportunities to the children through short programs and motivating them for self employment by providing sufficient inputs.
6. Creating confidence in parents and providing them technical knowledge through seminars and group discussions.
7. Developing facilities of Hostel for the students of Rajsamand and near by areas for children to provide them in house services.
“Our vision is to maintain feasibility of our work through Knowledge, behavior and labor”
Services Offered by Institution: Hearing Training , Vocal Improvement Training ,Entertainment & Picnic , Transportation Facility , School Activities , Psychologist ,Play-Therapy
Special Training: Home Based Training , Sports ,Re-Habilitation ,Dance ,Day Care Facilities , Entertainment Facilities ,Yoga & Meditation
Mission: Education & Vocational Training , Integrated School ,Educational Activities for Empowerment of Skills , Medical & Administrative Facilities ,Employment Assistance ,Awaking Parents
Vocational Training: Candle Making , Chalk Making , Envelope Making ,Clay Modeling , Handicraft Training , Drawing & Painting ,Tailoring
This is an appeal to all the intellectuals and sensitive people of this world to provide helping hand in building this Institution and its activities. Still, nearly 250 children are not able to get the facility of education and training in this region due to lack of in-campus school facility in this area. The institute is trying to provide the in-house facilities to children from the next term. The golden future of the children is only possible with your total contribution!
You can provide your services in the following ways to the institution:
· Assisting institution for the development of permanent campus
· Trusteeship in institution
· Providing technical aids for training of disabled children
· Through Annual Membership
· Providing assistance or technical aids in the memory of your beloved ones
· Providing important items to the institution
· For other development activities
· Adoption of poor children (Annual 7000/-)
One and all are requested to contribute for this holy work of “Human Service” and for developing the life-style of disabled children through their precious contribution!
Donations are Exempt from Income Tax under Income Tax Act (Section 80-G)
Cheque/ DD to be made in favour of Shree Dwarkesh Aksham Seva Sansthan Rajsamand Address for sending DD /cheque:
Rakesh Kumar Pariyani
Shree Dwarkesh Aksham Seva Sansthan
"Pariyani Bhawan"
Outside Surajpole
Contact No. : Mob 09413474089/02952 230129
जन जीवन की सेवा ही सच्चा धर्म है
रविवार, 12 अप्रैल 2009
Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.
Winston Churchill
Spiritual wellness is the process of getting in touch with your spiritual core. It is a dedication, unique for each individual. It is the process of looking within to become more in touch with the spiritual dimensions of one’s life. Spiritual wellness forms an integral part of a balanced life. It includes concepts like non-judgment , discipline , selflessness , forgiveness etc which increases our sense of inner peace. It may involve a prayer , meditation or specific spiritual practices that supports our connection with supreme power. It is important for everyone to believe in the meaning and purpose of spiritual wellness.
Spiritual wellness enhances the connection between one’s mind, body and spirit. It makes one experience love , joy and fulfillment , ethics , values and code of living. It gives a sense of purpose and meaning of life.
One should listen to their inner voice and be attentive to the feelings , emotions and thoughts within. Often the inner voice helps in finding correct direction. Human by nature is indecisive and looks at external reaffirmations and support for taking even simple decisions eg when one goes to buy a trouser in a shop one is so indecisive that one keeps asking the salesman which trouser is good , which colour is good etc before buying and once the salesman says a particular trouser is good , one invariably agrees and buys that piece. One has to learn to listen to the inner voice for all decisions first.
When a stream approaches a series of rocks, it has no preconceived plans for passing them. It does not see the rocks as opponents or as threats to its own existence. The very fluid nature of water tells it how to rightly meet everything in its path. Let this natural wisdom also guide you. Meet everything with a free and flexible mind, which is not tied to past experiences. Reflect on your beliefs and follow them as per inner voice.
Maintain the health of your soul. Find inner serenity of yourself. Different people have different ways of centering themselves in a calm place – meditation, prayer, recreation, gardening, exercise or solitude. Find what works for you and then make sure you find the time to pursue it. The greatest glory doesn’t consist in never falling , But rising every time one falls.
Be forgiving and grateful.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Winston Churchill
Spiritual wellness is the process of getting in touch with your spiritual core. It is a dedication, unique for each individual. It is the process of looking within to become more in touch with the spiritual dimensions of one’s life. Spiritual wellness forms an integral part of a balanced life. It includes concepts like non-judgment , discipline , selflessness , forgiveness etc which increases our sense of inner peace. It may involve a prayer , meditation or specific spiritual practices that supports our connection with supreme power. It is important for everyone to believe in the meaning and purpose of spiritual wellness.
Spiritual wellness enhances the connection between one’s mind, body and spirit. It makes one experience love , joy and fulfillment , ethics , values and code of living. It gives a sense of purpose and meaning of life.
One should listen to their inner voice and be attentive to the feelings , emotions and thoughts within. Often the inner voice helps in finding correct direction. Human by nature is indecisive and looks at external reaffirmations and support for taking even simple decisions eg when one goes to buy a trouser in a shop one is so indecisive that one keeps asking the salesman which trouser is good , which colour is good etc before buying and once the salesman says a particular trouser is good , one invariably agrees and buys that piece. One has to learn to listen to the inner voice for all decisions first.
When a stream approaches a series of rocks, it has no preconceived plans for passing them. It does not see the rocks as opponents or as threats to its own existence. The very fluid nature of water tells it how to rightly meet everything in its path. Let this natural wisdom also guide you. Meet everything with a free and flexible mind, which is not tied to past experiences. Reflect on your beliefs and follow them as per inner voice.
Maintain the health of your soul. Find inner serenity of yourself. Different people have different ways of centering themselves in a calm place – meditation, prayer, recreation, gardening, exercise or solitude. Find what works for you and then make sure you find the time to pursue it. The greatest glory doesn’t consist in never falling , But rising every time one falls.
Be forgiving and grateful.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Forgiveness or क्षमा
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." – is said by the Father of the nation / Mahatma Gandhiji or Bapuji.
Forgiveness is an act of letting go resentment held in mind of a perceived wrong or difference , either actual or imagined.It is an act of forgiving someone basically to decide not to blame someone or to be angry with them even though they have done something wrong. Forgiveness of another can be granted with or without the other asking for forgiveness. Some believe the choice of forgiveness is only properly exercised if forgiveness is requested. Another view is that forgiveness is a gift the forgiver gives to oneself to free their mind of resentment. Forgiveness does not mean condoning the wrong .
Forgiveness can be seen as a religious value. However, belief in a deity is not necessary for forgiveness. It can be motivated by love , philosphy, appreciation for the forgiveness of others, empathy , or personal temperament. Even from a sheer practical view point forgiveness should be practiced as people who practice forgiveness are for sure happier than those who hold grudges.
Forgiveness is related to the law of Karma ( कर्म ). Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Forgiveness adds to the positive side of the Karma balance sheet.The effects of Karma creates present and future experiences in one’s life.
Forgiveness sometimes is perceived as a sign of weakness in the personality of forgiver. But still , I firmly believe that despite this fault one must practice Forgiveness in all walks of life and in every strata of society. Forgiveness is the supreme peace.
As they say - "They who forgive most shall be most forgiven."
Forgiveness is an act of letting go resentment held in mind of a perceived wrong or difference , either actual or imagined.It is an act of forgiving someone basically to decide not to blame someone or to be angry with them even though they have done something wrong. Forgiveness of another can be granted with or without the other asking for forgiveness. Some believe the choice of forgiveness is only properly exercised if forgiveness is requested. Another view is that forgiveness is a gift the forgiver gives to oneself to free their mind of resentment. Forgiveness does not mean condoning the wrong .
Forgiveness can be seen as a religious value. However, belief in a deity is not necessary for forgiveness. It can be motivated by love , philosphy, appreciation for the forgiveness of others, empathy , or personal temperament. Even from a sheer practical view point forgiveness should be practiced as people who practice forgiveness are for sure happier than those who hold grudges.
Forgiveness is related to the law of Karma ( कर्म ). Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Forgiveness adds to the positive side of the Karma balance sheet.The effects of Karma creates present and future experiences in one’s life.
Forgiveness sometimes is perceived as a sign of weakness in the personality of forgiver. But still , I firmly believe that despite this fault one must practice Forgiveness in all walks of life and in every strata of society. Forgiveness is the supreme peace.
As they say - "They who forgive most shall be most forgiven."
शनिवार, 11 अप्रैल 2009
65 Kilometers from Udaipur in Kankroli , Rajsamand District is situated one of very old and powerful temples of India – Lord Dwarikadhish , one of the seven forms of Lord Krishna.
Maharana Raj Singh I built the temple in 1676. The idol in the temple was brought from Mathura and installed here in the year 1676. The head priest of the temple is one of the descendants of Vallabhacharya – the Vaishnava Spiritual Guru. The temple has been built on a hill and overlooks the beautiful Rajsamand Lake. It makes a pretty sight, quite grand and attractive from across the lake.
The idol was placed in the present temple, which was constructed at the time of the inaugural ceremony of the Rajsamand Lake in 1676 A.D. Shri Bal Krishna ji, the grand son of Vallabhacharya, took the initiative to care for the deity. Since then, Kankroli Temple is the third peeth (religious temple) of Vaishnav religion as Pushtimarg (way to completion).
The music and song played every evening adds to the soothing effect during Darshan of Lord Dwarikadhish.It is located about 20 kms from the famous Nathdwara temple. Every year, people in large numbers come to visit this temple from all over India. If one is visiting Udaipur and Nathadwara one must visit this temple of Dwarikadhish, to receive the blessings of Lord Dwarikadhish
Maharana Raj Singh I built the temple in 1676. The idol in the temple was brought from Mathura and installed here in the year 1676. The head priest of the temple is one of the descendants of Vallabhacharya – the Vaishnava Spiritual Guru. The temple has been built on a hill and overlooks the beautiful Rajsamand Lake. It makes a pretty sight, quite grand and attractive from across the lake.
The idol was placed in the present temple, which was constructed at the time of the inaugural ceremony of the Rajsamand Lake in 1676 A.D. Shri Bal Krishna ji, the grand son of Vallabhacharya, took the initiative to care for the deity. Since then, Kankroli Temple is the third peeth (religious temple) of Vaishnav religion as Pushtimarg (way to completion).
The music and song played every evening adds to the soothing effect during Darshan of Lord Dwarikadhish.It is located about 20 kms from the famous Nathdwara temple. Every year, people in large numbers come to visit this temple from all over India. If one is visiting Udaipur and Nathadwara one must visit this temple of Dwarikadhish, to receive the blessings of Lord Dwarikadhish
गुरुवार, 9 अप्रैल 2009
दया धर्म ही ईश्वर की सच्ची पूजा
The very basis of human life is to do act of kindness towards other living beings be it another human being or animals or even plants for that matter. To start with this act of kindness should be towards the family members and close relatives and then depending upon the might an individual must extend the act of kindness towards those closely associates eg house maids , driver , gardener , security etc and then to the neighbors and society which is the extended family.
Now what is this act of kindness – it is simply our approach towards others .The approach has to be positive and helping. We should be able to feel the pain of others and do whatever we can to eliminate this pain. This could just mean listening to their woes or actually doing something material to eliminate the problems in their life. We should always do these acts of kindness out of love for people. It has to be done for the benefit of the people for whom this act of kindness is done. The real motive is to help others and not to have any personal gain.
It is quite natural for human beings to have ulterior motives whilst doing these acts of kindness. Some of these ulterior motives are - to get favour in return , to achieve greater respect from others , to show off in society or to get control over others. In my opinion irrespective of the motive an act of kindness is an act of kindness and all human beings should practice it. If it can be voluntary and without any ulterior motive it is best but one should not wait for reaching a stage when one will have no ulterior motives and then only start acts of kindness.
One should practice this regularly so that children can watch and learn to do it themselves as this is the only way of improving brotherhood in society.
We should do act of kindness as God is constantly watching our acts and taking account of them. A good deed will always pay back even if there is no short term motive one should always practice.
The very basis of human life is to do act of kindness towards other living beings be it another human being or animals or even plants for that matter. To start with this act of kindness should be towards the family members and close relatives and then depending upon the might an individual must extend the act of kindness towards those closely associates eg house maids , driver , gardener , security etc and then to the neighbors and society which is the extended family.
Now what is this act of kindness – it is simply our approach towards others .The approach has to be positive and helping. We should be able to feel the pain of others and do whatever we can to eliminate this pain. This could just mean listening to their woes or actually doing something material to eliminate the problems in their life. We should always do these acts of kindness out of love for people. It has to be done for the benefit of the people for whom this act of kindness is done. The real motive is to help others and not to have any personal gain.
It is quite natural for human beings to have ulterior motives whilst doing these acts of kindness. Some of these ulterior motives are - to get favour in return , to achieve greater respect from others , to show off in society or to get control over others. In my opinion irrespective of the motive an act of kindness is an act of kindness and all human beings should practice it. If it can be voluntary and without any ulterior motive it is best but one should not wait for reaching a stage when one will have no ulterior motives and then only start acts of kindness.
One should practice this regularly so that children can watch and learn to do it themselves as this is the only way of improving brotherhood in society.
We should do act of kindness as God is constantly watching our acts and taking account of them. A good deed will always pay back even if there is no short term motive one should always practice.
बुधवार, 8 अप्रैल 2009
Prayer is the very breath of religion, for it brings man and God together and with every sigh, nearer and nearer - Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba
Most dictionaries define prayer as a reverent petition made to God. It also takes form of devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving. People pray for health, safety, security, good grades in school, job promotion, wealth, or for nobler goals like world peace and an end to human suffering.
Prayer is a communication process that allows us to come near to God.Praying is like talking to your best friend . Ask for forgiveness for whatever sins you have done ( knowingly / unknowingly ) and cleanse you of it. Tell Lord your needs! Thank Lord for taking care of you.Approach the prayer with confidence and belief that God will deliver.With joy that God can deliver. With expectation that God is going to deliver. Prayer is an index of our belief in God and our relationship with Him. What we say and how we say it reflects and reveals the image we have of Him.
Prayer is a key, which opens many doors. Whether we are giving thanks or seeking help for others, or ourselves we are working to understand our relationship with the Lord. Some prayers are affirmations of Gods glory, but in all prayers we seek to draw closer to God.
Undoubtedly it is an acknowledgement that a Creator or a Higher Power that controls our destiny exists, but does the act stem from love, hope fear or faith?Prayer works - but not always in the manner we intend. We may not receive a particular benefit that we seek, but prayer draws us closer to God. It establishes a line of communication with the Lord and builds His presence in our minds. And yes, many times our specific prayers are granted - although not always as we expect.
Prayers are to be recited before enjoying any material pleasure, such as eating or wearing new clothes; before performing any acts; upon seeing anything unusual; at the site of a great tragedy; whenever some good or bad thing happens; and prayers to recite before going to bed at night. All of these prayers are in addition to formal prayer services, which are performed every weekday and at additional times on festivals and holy days.
There are numerous instances in religious books and stories where prayers seem to have worked. For most people who pray, their everyday experience is that prayers seem to work at times and do not work at other times. The common thread in all prayers that work seems to be visualisation. It seems to be an essential ingredient of prayer. Prayer is essentially visualisation, and visualisation is thought. The secret is positive thinking sustained over a period. In terms of prayer, persistent thought translates as persistent prayer. We pray to God as humans have the power to create the intention, but it is only God who can materialise it. Even if prayer does not change things, it might change you and help you cope better with the ups and downs of life.
If your prayer makes you a better person than you were yesterday, then your prayer has been answered.
Prayer is the very breath of religion, for it brings man and God together and with every sigh, nearer and nearer - Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba
Most dictionaries define prayer as a reverent petition made to God. It also takes form of devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving. People pray for health, safety, security, good grades in school, job promotion, wealth, or for nobler goals like world peace and an end to human suffering.
Prayer is a communication process that allows us to come near to God.Praying is like talking to your best friend . Ask for forgiveness for whatever sins you have done ( knowingly / unknowingly ) and cleanse you of it. Tell Lord your needs! Thank Lord for taking care of you.Approach the prayer with confidence and belief that God will deliver.With joy that God can deliver. With expectation that God is going to deliver. Prayer is an index of our belief in God and our relationship with Him. What we say and how we say it reflects and reveals the image we have of Him.
Prayer is a key, which opens many doors. Whether we are giving thanks or seeking help for others, or ourselves we are working to understand our relationship with the Lord. Some prayers are affirmations of Gods glory, but in all prayers we seek to draw closer to God.
Undoubtedly it is an acknowledgement that a Creator or a Higher Power that controls our destiny exists, but does the act stem from love, hope fear or faith?Prayer works - but not always in the manner we intend. We may not receive a particular benefit that we seek, but prayer draws us closer to God. It establishes a line of communication with the Lord and builds His presence in our minds. And yes, many times our specific prayers are granted - although not always as we expect.
Prayers are to be recited before enjoying any material pleasure, such as eating or wearing new clothes; before performing any acts; upon seeing anything unusual; at the site of a great tragedy; whenever some good or bad thing happens; and prayers to recite before going to bed at night. All of these prayers are in addition to formal prayer services, which are performed every weekday and at additional times on festivals and holy days.
There are numerous instances in religious books and stories where prayers seem to have worked. For most people who pray, their everyday experience is that prayers seem to work at times and do not work at other times. The common thread in all prayers that work seems to be visualisation. It seems to be an essential ingredient of prayer. Prayer is essentially visualisation, and visualisation is thought. The secret is positive thinking sustained over a period. In terms of prayer, persistent thought translates as persistent prayer. We pray to God as humans have the power to create the intention, but it is only God who can materialise it. Even if prayer does not change things, it might change you and help you cope better with the ups and downs of life.
If your prayer makes you a better person than you were yesterday, then your prayer has been answered.
रविवार, 5 अप्रैल 2009
आज का संस्कारी बच्चा कल का बेहतर नागरिक ।
Sanskar is very necessary in a human being to serve the society। Sanksar is nothing but a set of manner and discipline which is understood and practiced consistently under all circumstances। It is essential that these Sanskars are built in a human being right from childhood and role of Parents is paramount in developing these Sanskars.
Manner means a polite way of behaving in a society and Discipline means to have control over someone so that he or she behaves properly.
But before we get into the this subject it is important to understand the psychology of child basically what they like and what they can do etc. Parents need to bear in mind that every plant cannot be a rose plant but every plant can become healthy and beautiful by putting proper manure and trimming. This is so because every plant has its own beauty. Same thing we can do with our kids also as every child is having their own talent , we just need to polish them properly to remove the irregular rough portions and make them beautiful. We need to give timely input to children in this direction as to what is good and what is bad.
For this we need to provide inputs right from birth as different level of manners has to be taught at different age. Let us understand these ages in following groups :-
1. Birth to 3 Years :- This is a very complex age. At this age child start learning and imitate things very fast.At this age we should not shout at child and we should talk very politely with child as they learn same manner.When child completes one year we should give picture books and blocks and verbally tell them about these pictures and slowly tell them about good habit eg close mouth and eat , after eating do brush , do not touch and play with electrical gadgets etc. Important thing is to be strict but polite and loving.
2. Age 4 to 7 Years :- This is the age where we have to teach how to talk , walk and eat food. How to take bath , how to set bag for school as per time table and something about daily Puja at home before going to school. The child must finish daily homework the previous night .Slowly we have to teach them about outside world and how to behave in society eg when we go to someone’s house we should not touch anything , when they offer any snacks then only we should take and say thanks and develop habit of saying sorry if something wrong happens. Respect and obey elders. Teach them about table manners. We should now teach them few prayers and how to do Puja. Give some details about main deities , Gods and Goddesses . We should also tell them religious stories at this stage. Expose children by getting CD’s of Ramayan , Ganesh ji etc. Teach children to always respect elders and never disrespect anyone in society irrespective of caste , creed or social status.
3. Age 8 to 12 Years :- At this age child can understand everything and its importance. Teach them basic housekeeping principles . Teach them how to keep their belongings neat and tidy. Teach them how to keep each and everything neatly in its proper place .Most important is to inculcate in them habit of self study. It is necessary to teach them the value of money. We should also teach them one or two Yogas or basic exercise to kip themselves fit and healthy.
4. Age 13 to 16 Years :- This age is critical period of childs development. Start of teens brings many changes in children . At this age we should behave with them like friends. Tell them about good and bad things in the society. Teach them virtues of patience and tolerance. Teach them what all is good for their future.Always take your children into confidence before doing any work which impacts them.Discuss about their study and other matters of their interest. Give them space for themselves.
At every stage it is important that children have a fulfilling daily routine . For daily routine it is important to make a time table which should have balance between study and play or extra curricular activity. For week ends keep some time for going outside to some movie or dinner or any park or picnic or any family get together.
During vacations it is important that we take them to some good places and put them to some hobby classes as per their interest.
Always appreciate the good things that they do. Always be positive and take responsibility of their performance at school and outside. Never pressurize children for studies particularly before exams. Marks are important but not the most important thing in a child what is important is overall development of child . They should be healthy , polite , well behaved , have great personality with proper knowledge and should be able to communicate easily. Never tease or irritate the child as it develops negative feelings and thoughts in them.
If the children have discipline and manners in them these are the right Sanskars which the future citizen of the country would have .
Sanskar is very necessary in a human being to serve the society। Sanksar is nothing but a set of manner and discipline which is understood and practiced consistently under all circumstances। It is essential that these Sanskars are built in a human being right from childhood and role of Parents is paramount in developing these Sanskars.
Manner means a polite way of behaving in a society and Discipline means to have control over someone so that he or she behaves properly.
But before we get into the this subject it is important to understand the psychology of child basically what they like and what they can do etc. Parents need to bear in mind that every plant cannot be a rose plant but every plant can become healthy and beautiful by putting proper manure and trimming. This is so because every plant has its own beauty. Same thing we can do with our kids also as every child is having their own talent , we just need to polish them properly to remove the irregular rough portions and make them beautiful. We need to give timely input to children in this direction as to what is good and what is bad.
For this we need to provide inputs right from birth as different level of manners has to be taught at different age. Let us understand these ages in following groups :-
1. Birth to 3 Years :- This is a very complex age. At this age child start learning and imitate things very fast.At this age we should not shout at child and we should talk very politely with child as they learn same manner.When child completes one year we should give picture books and blocks and verbally tell them about these pictures and slowly tell them about good habit eg close mouth and eat , after eating do brush , do not touch and play with electrical gadgets etc. Important thing is to be strict but polite and loving.
2. Age 4 to 7 Years :- This is the age where we have to teach how to talk , walk and eat food. How to take bath , how to set bag for school as per time table and something about daily Puja at home before going to school. The child must finish daily homework the previous night .Slowly we have to teach them about outside world and how to behave in society eg when we go to someone’s house we should not touch anything , when they offer any snacks then only we should take and say thanks and develop habit of saying sorry if something wrong happens. Respect and obey elders. Teach them about table manners. We should now teach them few prayers and how to do Puja. Give some details about main deities , Gods and Goddesses . We should also tell them religious stories at this stage. Expose children by getting CD’s of Ramayan , Ganesh ji etc. Teach children to always respect elders and never disrespect anyone in society irrespective of caste , creed or social status.
3. Age 8 to 12 Years :- At this age child can understand everything and its importance. Teach them basic housekeeping principles . Teach them how to keep their belongings neat and tidy. Teach them how to keep each and everything neatly in its proper place .Most important is to inculcate in them habit of self study. It is necessary to teach them the value of money. We should also teach them one or two Yogas or basic exercise to kip themselves fit and healthy.
4. Age 13 to 16 Years :- This age is critical period of childs development. Start of teens brings many changes in children . At this age we should behave with them like friends. Tell them about good and bad things in the society. Teach them virtues of patience and tolerance. Teach them what all is good for their future.Always take your children into confidence before doing any work which impacts them.Discuss about their study and other matters of their interest. Give them space for themselves.
At every stage it is important that children have a fulfilling daily routine . For daily routine it is important to make a time table which should have balance between study and play or extra curricular activity. For week ends keep some time for going outside to some movie or dinner or any park or picnic or any family get together.
During vacations it is important that we take them to some good places and put them to some hobby classes as per their interest.
Always appreciate the good things that they do. Always be positive and take responsibility of their performance at school and outside. Never pressurize children for studies particularly before exams. Marks are important but not the most important thing in a child what is important is overall development of child . They should be healthy , polite , well behaved , have great personality with proper knowledge and should be able to communicate easily. Never tease or irritate the child as it develops negative feelings and thoughts in them.
If the children have discipline and manners in them these are the right Sanskars which the future citizen of the country would have .
शुक्रवार, 3 अप्रैल 2009
I now explain rationale or thought process behind two very important customs of India :-
1) Why we do not touch books or any other human being with our Feet
In Indian Custom touching book with feet is considered a sin , this is primarily because to Indians knowledge is sacred and divine and therefore it must be respected at all times . So not stepping on books or touching them with feet is a reminder of high position accorded to knowledge in Indian culture. It is believed that Goddess Saraswati resides in books and hence books should not be ever touched with feet. This is also the reason why we worship books once an year on Saraswati Pooja day , dedicated to the Goddess of Learning.
Similarly human being is regarded as the most beautiful , living and breathing temple of the Lord. Therefore touching another person with feet is disrespecting the divinity within that person.
Therefore even if by mistake someone touches book or any other person with feet one should ask for immediate apology ( not merely by lips but from Heart ).
2) Why Trees are regarded as Sacred – The life in us or plants or animals pervades all living beings and is considered as the Lord himself and hence they are considered sacred. Human life on earth depends on plants and trees. They give us food , oxygen , medicines and shelter. Hence as per Indian customs one is taught to regard tree and plants as sacred. We should therefore plant atleast 10 trees in our life time to compensate for one tree which we may need to cut for any reason. Certain plants and trees like Tulsi and Peepal are worshiped by Indians. It is believed that divine beings manifest as trees and plants and therefore it is worshipped and regarded sacred.
1) Why we do not touch books or any other human being with our Feet
In Indian Custom touching book with feet is considered a sin , this is primarily because to Indians knowledge is sacred and divine and therefore it must be respected at all times . So not stepping on books or touching them with feet is a reminder of high position accorded to knowledge in Indian culture. It is believed that Goddess Saraswati resides in books and hence books should not be ever touched with feet. This is also the reason why we worship books once an year on Saraswati Pooja day , dedicated to the Goddess of Learning.
Similarly human being is regarded as the most beautiful , living and breathing temple of the Lord. Therefore touching another person with feet is disrespecting the divinity within that person.
Therefore even if by mistake someone touches book or any other person with feet one should ask for immediate apology ( not merely by lips but from Heart ).
2) Why Trees are regarded as Sacred – The life in us or plants or animals pervades all living beings and is considered as the Lord himself and hence they are considered sacred. Human life on earth depends on plants and trees. They give us food , oxygen , medicines and shelter. Hence as per Indian customs one is taught to regard tree and plants as sacred. We should therefore plant atleast 10 trees in our life time to compensate for one tree which we may need to cut for any reason. Certain plants and trees like Tulsi and Peepal are worshiped by Indians. It is believed that divine beings manifest as trees and plants and therefore it is worshipped and regarded sacred.
श्री हनुमंताय नमः ।
It is widely read poem of 40 verses . This hymn was written by Goswami Tulsidasji in the sixteenth century. Hanuman chalisa is written in Awadhi language. Tulsidasji wrote these forty verses in the praise of Lord Hanuman . Lord Hanuman was beloved of Lord Rama (maryaadaa puruShottam shree raam chandra;).
Forty in Hindi is called 'chaalees' and the hymn containing forty verses is called 'chalisa' . Verses in Hanuman Chalisa are called chaupai which means four line stanzas.
Many recite Hanuman Chalisa as a prayer on a regular basis (daily or weekly on Tuesdays and Saturdays). It is said to provide inner-strength and deliverance from ones troubles. It is believed that the person who chants the Hanuman Chalisa 100 times daily for 100 days will become free from the cycle of birth and death and enjoy the highest bliss.
Shri guru charan saraj raj, Nij man mukur sudhare Barnau raghuvar bimal jasu, Jo dhayak phal chare Budhiheen tanu jaanike, Sumeraon pavan-kumar Bal budhi vidhya dehu mohe, Harhu kalesh bikar
Jai hanuman gyan gun sagar Jai kapise tehu lok ujagar
Ram doot atulit bal dhama Anjani putra pavan sut nama
Mahabir bikram bajrangee Kumati nivar sumati ke sangi
Kanchan baran biraj subesa Kanan kundal kunchit kesa
Haat vajara ao dhwaja biraje Kandhe muj janeu sajea
Sankar suvan kesrinandan Tej pratap maha jag bandhan
Vidyavan gune aati chatur Ram kaaj karibe ko aatur
Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiya Ram lakhan sita maan basiya
Suchm roop dhari siyahi dhikhava Bikat roop dhari lank jarava
Bhim roop dhari asur sahare Ramchandraji ke kaaj savare
Laye sanjeevan lakhan jiyaye Shriraghuvir harsha ure laye
Raghupati kinhe bahut badai Tum mam priye bharat sam bhai
Sahas badan tumharo jas gavey Aas kahi shripati kanth lagaven
Sankadeek bhramhadi munisa Narad sarad sahit ahisa
Jam kuber digpal jahan ti Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan ti
Tum upkar sughrvehn kehina Ram milaye raj pad denha
Tumhrao mantra vibheshan mana Lankeshvar bhaye sab jag jaana
Jug sahastra jojan par bhanu Lilyo tahi madhur phal janu
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahin Jalidhi langhi gaye acraj nahi
Durgam kaaj jagat ke jete Sugam anugrah tumhre tete
Ram duaare tum rakhvare Hoot na aagyan binu paisare
Sab sukh lahai tumhare sarna Tum rakshak kahu ko darna
Aapan tej samharo aape Teno lok hakte kape
Bhut pisach nikat nahi aaveh Mahavir jab naam sunaven
Nase rog hare sab peera Japat nirantar hanumat bira
Sankat se hanuman chudave Man kam bachan dhyan jo laven
Sab per ram tapasvi raja Tin ke kaaj sakal tum saja
Aur manorat jo koi gave soie amit jeevan phal pavey
Charo jug pratap tumhara Hai prasidh jagat ujeyara
Sadhu sant ke tum rakhvare Asur nikandan ram dulare
Ashat sidhi navnidhi ke data Aas var deen jaanki mata
Ram rasayan tumhre pasa Sada raho raghupati ke dasa
Tumhre bhajan ram ko bhaven Janam janam ke dukh bisraven
Ant kaal raghubar pur jaye Jahan janm hari bhakt kahaei
Aur devta chitna dharae Hanumat seye sarv sukh karaei
Sankat kate mite sab pera Jo sumere hanumat balbira
Jai jai jai hanuman gusain Kripa karaho guru dev ke naai
Jo sat bar path kar koi Chutehi bandhi maha sukh hoai
Jo yah padhe hanuman chalisa Hoye sidhi sake gaoresa
Tulsidas sada hari chera Kijeye nath hridaye maha dera
Pavantanye sankat haran, Mangal murati roop
Pavantanye sankat haran, Mangal murati roop
Ram lakhan sita sahit, Hriday basahu sur bhup
Meaning of Hanuman Chalisa
With the dust of Guru’s Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and narrate sacred glory of Sri Ram , The Supreme among the Raghukul. The giver of the four attainments of life.
Knowing myself to be ignorant, I urge you, The son of Pavan! kindly bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my shortcomings.
Victory of Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds.
Messenger of Ram with enormous strength, you are also known as “Anjaniputra” and the son of the Air God.
Oh Hanuman ! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You remove darkness of evil thoughts and are a companion of good sense and wisdom.
Shri Hanuman ’s physique is gold colored. His dress is pretty, wearing ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly.
Shri Hanuman is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other hand a banner with the sacred thread across his shoulder.
Oh Hanuman You are the emanation of ‘SHIVA’ and you delight Shri Keshri. The entire world propitiates.. You are adorable of all.
Oh Hanuman You are the repository of learning, virtue, you are very wise and are keen to do the works of Lord Ram.
You are eager to listen to the narration of Lord Ram’s story and revel on its enjoyment. You are in the heart of Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshman.
You appeared before Sita in a very small form and spoke to her, while you assumed an huge form and struck terror by setting Lanka kingdom on fire.
O Hanuman with your big form you killed demons of Lanka and performed all acts of lord Ram.
When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing “Sanjivni” herb Lord Ram hugged you, His heart full of joy.
Shri Ram extolled Hanumanji’s excellence and remarked, “you are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat”
Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying: “Let the thousand - tongued ’sheshnaag’ sing your glories”
The sages, saints, Lord Brahma, Narad and Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the serpent, fail to sing the glories of Hanumanji properly.
What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars even Gods like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman’s greatness.
Hanumanji! You obliged Sugriva, you united him with Lord Ram and got him the Royal Throne.
It is known all over the universe that by following your advice, Vibhishana became King of Lanka kingdom.
Hanumanji you gulped Lord Sun at distance of thousands miles considering it to be a sweet fruit.
Carrying the Lord’s ring in his mouth, you went across the ocean. There is no wonder in that.
Oh Hanumanji all the difficult tasks of this world is made easy by your grace.
Oh Hanumanji You are guarding the door of Lord Ram’s mercy mansion or His divine abode. No one may enter without your permission.
By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under your protection.
When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might.
Hanuman’s name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons & evils spirits away.
On reciting Hanumanji’s name all the maladies and pain disappears.
Those who remember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded against their odds in life.
Oh Hanuman You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances.
Oh Hanuman You fulfill the desires of those who come to you.
Oh Hanuman Your magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the four worlds and your fame is all over the cosmos.
Oh Hanuman You are the saviour of saints and sages and destroys the Demons, you are the darling of Lord Ram.
Hanuman has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any yogic power of eight Sidhis.
Oh Hanuman You hold the essence of devotion to Lord Ram, always remaining His Servant.
Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becomes free from suffering of several lives.
After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram and remains a devotee of him, whenever, taking new birth on earth.
You need not hold any other God in mind. Hanumanji will give all happiness.
Oh Powerful Hanuman end the sufferings and remove all the pain from those who remember you.
Hail Hail Hail Lord Hanuman I beseech your Honour to bless me in the capacity of my supreme teacher.
One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times becomes free from the bondage of life and death and enjoys the highest bliss at last.
As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are sure to be benedicted.
Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. “Oh my Lord! You stay within my heart”.
O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Lord Air, Saviour The Embodiment of blessings, stay in my heart with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita
Meaning of Hanuman Chalisa
With the dust of Guru’s Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and narrate sacred glory of Sri Ram , The Supreme among the Raghukul. The giver of the four attainments of life.
Knowing myself to be ignorant, I urge you, The son of Pavan! kindly bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my shortcomings.
Victory of Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds.
Messenger of Ram with enormous strength, you are also known as “Anjaniputra” and the son of the Air God.
Oh Hanuman ! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You remove darkness of evil thoughts and are a companion of good sense and wisdom.
Shri Hanuman ’s physique is gold colored. His dress is pretty, wearing ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly.
Shri Hanuman is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other hand a banner with the sacred thread across his shoulder.
Oh Hanuman You are the emanation of ‘SHIVA’ and you delight Shri Keshri. The entire world propitiates.. You are adorable of all.
Oh Hanuman You are the repository of learning, virtue, you are very wise and are keen to do the works of Lord Ram.
You are eager to listen to the narration of Lord Ram’s story and revel on its enjoyment. You are in the heart of Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshman.
You appeared before Sita in a very small form and spoke to her, while you assumed an huge form and struck terror by setting Lanka kingdom on fire.
O Hanuman with your big form you killed demons of Lanka and performed all acts of lord Ram.
When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing “Sanjivni” herb Lord Ram hugged you, His heart full of joy.
Shri Ram extolled Hanumanji’s excellence and remarked, “you are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat”
Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying: “Let the thousand - tongued ’sheshnaag’ sing your glories”
The sages, saints, Lord Brahma, Narad and Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the serpent, fail to sing the glories of Hanumanji properly.
What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars even Gods like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman’s greatness.
Hanumanji! You obliged Sugriva, you united him with Lord Ram and got him the Royal Throne.
It is known all over the universe that by following your advice, Vibhishana became King of Lanka kingdom.
Hanumanji you gulped Lord Sun at distance of thousands miles considering it to be a sweet fruit.
Carrying the Lord’s ring in his mouth, you went across the ocean. There is no wonder in that.
Oh Hanumanji all the difficult tasks of this world is made easy by your grace.
Oh Hanumanji You are guarding the door of Lord Ram’s mercy mansion or His divine abode. No one may enter without your permission.
By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under your protection.
When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might.
Hanuman’s name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons & evils spirits away.
On reciting Hanumanji’s name all the maladies and pain disappears.
Those who remember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded against their odds in life.
Oh Hanuman You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances.
Oh Hanuman You fulfill the desires of those who come to you.
Oh Hanuman Your magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the four worlds and your fame is all over the cosmos.
Oh Hanuman You are the saviour of saints and sages and destroys the Demons, you are the darling of Lord Ram.
Hanuman has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any yogic power of eight Sidhis.
Oh Hanuman You hold the essence of devotion to Lord Ram, always remaining His Servant.
Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becomes free from suffering of several lives.
After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram and remains a devotee of him, whenever, taking new birth on earth.
You need not hold any other God in mind. Hanumanji will give all happiness.
Oh Powerful Hanuman end the sufferings and remove all the pain from those who remember you.
Hail Hail Hail Lord Hanuman I beseech your Honour to bless me in the capacity of my supreme teacher.
One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times becomes free from the bondage of life and death and enjoys the highest bliss at last.
As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are sure to be benedicted.
Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. “Oh my Lord! You stay within my heart”.
O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Lord Air, Saviour The Embodiment of blessings, stay in my heart with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita
जय श्री राम ।

ॐ साईं राम
Om Sai Ram
I must have done something good in my previous birth to have got this wonderful message from Bhagwan Shri Satya Sai Baba in my dreams last night. I am one who forgets the dream and do not remember it for long . But this one was very very special. Last night I saw in my dream that a poor servant working in a household had come to house of his master seeking shelter for himself and his wife . The servant was very poor and his wife was somewhat handicapped . Due to some reasons they had become homeless and wanted shelter in their masters house. When they reached their masters house and requested that they be allowed to stay in one corner of the big house both husband and wife of that big house were very angry and pushed them out of the house. At this moment Bhagwan Shri Satya Sai Baba Swami came in my dream and gave the message - that the true spirituality and prayer to god is to help people when they need. Never insult or let a needy person go away from your house empty handed , if you have the means to provide them help and assistance. Assistance of needy persons is the best and only service towards God and Almighty. At this moment my dream broke and I decided to spread this message to every body. We should always try our level best to help out needy people with whatever little help and assistance that we can give. If we cannot help anyone atleast we should never demean them treat them with disrespect.
I hope one day every one gets this message of our beloved Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba and understands this message fully and puts this to practice. I am sure this will be the biggest Pooja and service to human kind that one can do.
जय साईं राम
I must have done something good in my previous birth to have got this wonderful message from Bhagwan Shri Satya Sai Baba in my dreams last night. I am one who forgets the dream and do not remember it for long . But this one was very very special. Last night I saw in my dream that a poor servant working in a household had come to house of his master seeking shelter for himself and his wife . The servant was very poor and his wife was somewhat handicapped . Due to some reasons they had become homeless and wanted shelter in their masters house. When they reached their masters house and requested that they be allowed to stay in one corner of the big house both husband and wife of that big house were very angry and pushed them out of the house. At this moment Bhagwan Shri Satya Sai Baba Swami came in my dream and gave the message - that the true spirituality and prayer to god is to help people when they need. Never insult or let a needy person go away from your house empty handed , if you have the means to provide them help and assistance. Assistance of needy persons is the best and only service towards God and Almighty. At this moment my dream broke and I decided to spread this message to every body. We should always try our level best to help out needy people with whatever little help and assistance that we can give. If we cannot help anyone atleast we should never demean them treat them with disrespect.
I hope one day every one gets this message of our beloved Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba and understands this message fully and puts this to practice. I am sure this will be the biggest Pooja and service to human kind that one can do.
जय साईं राम
बुधवार, 1 अप्रैल 2009
Blessings of Saraswati Ma
ॐ ऐन्ग सरस्वत्येः नमः
Goddess Saraswati is prayed by Hindus as one who blesses human beings with wisdom, learning and arts. Ma Saraswati is the consort of Lord Brahma the creator and powerful wielder of wisdom and intelligence. It is believed that the Vedas are her offspring. Saraswati literally means as the one who gives her own knowledge . Goddess Saraswati is many a time believed to be the creative manifestation of Lord Brahma. Goddess Saraswati along with Ma Parvati and Ma Lakshmi form the 'tridevi' as the consorts of the trinity of Hindu gods. The four armed goddess holds the holy scriptures in one hand, has a lotus in the other and with her other two hands plays the veena, a musical instrument. In religious texts and Hindu scriptures the goddess is depicted in a pure white attire and is often seated on a white lotus but actually her mount is the swan. The goddess is associated with the color white which is a symbol of purity and serenity. The goddess is also known as Vakdevi and Shaarda. Basant Panchmi is the festival associated with the goddess. It also marks the birth of the Goddess and is celebrated as Saraswati Puja day. The color yellow holds special significance on this day, the goddess wears a sari of this color on Basant Panchmi. This day holds special connotation for students and hence Saraswati Puja is usually organized in educational institutions.
It is believed that any person who wishes to get divine blessings of Ma Saraswati should daily chant any of the below given Mantras for enhancing one’s intellectual bend of mind. It is particularly beneficial if it is done by students by placing white flowers on feet of Ma Saraswati.
मंत्र १ – ॐ ह्र्रींग ऐन्ग ह्र्रींग ॐ सरस्वती नमः
It is believed that any person who wishes to get divine blessings of Ma Saraswati should daily chant any of the below given Mantras for enhancing one’s intellectual bend of mind. It is particularly beneficial if it is done by students by placing white flowers on feet of Ma Saraswati.
मंत्र १ – ॐ ह्र्रींग ऐन्ग ह्र्रींग ॐ सरस्वती नमः
Mantra 1 - Om Hring Aing Hring Om Saraswati Namah
मंत्र २ – ॐ नमः भगवती सरस्वती परमेश्वरी वाग्वादिनी मम विद्याम देही । भगवती हंसवाहिनी समारुधा बुद्धि देही , देही प्रग्याम देही , विद्याम देही , परमेश्वरी सरस्वती नमः
मंत्र २ – ॐ नमः भगवती सरस्वती परमेश्वरी वाग्वादिनी मम विद्याम देही । भगवती हंसवाहिनी समारुधा बुद्धि देही , देही प्रग्याम देही , विद्याम देही , परमेश्वरी सरस्वती नमः
Mantra 2 - Om Namah Bhagwati Saraswati Parmeshwari Vaghwadini Mam Vidyam dehi . Bhagwati Hanswahini samaruda budhi dehi , dehi pragyam dehi , vidyam dehi , parmeshwari saraswati namah.
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)